*WYSIWG- the actual tank specimens instock your purchasing*

*WYSIWG- the actual tank specimens instock your purchasing*

Botia Sidthimunki

Arrival Date 12/17/2024 Tank # Size


The Botia Sidthimunki, or Dwarf Chain Loach, is a peaceful, active schooling fish. Ideal for community tanks, it thrives in planted aquariums with stable water.

SIZE: 1.5″

5 in stock

Care Level Moderate
Temperament Peaceful
Diet Omnivorous (flake, freeze dried, pellets, frozen, vegetables, live foods)
Water Conditions Temperature: 76-82°F, pH: 7.8-8.6, Stable Parameters are key.
Max Size 2.5 Inches
Scientific Name Ambastaia sidthimunki
Family Botiid
Minimum Tank Size 20 gallons
Compatibility Tetras, guppies, corydoras
Avoid Large or aggressive species


Botia Sidthimunki

 The Botia Sidthimunki (Ambastaia sidthimunki), commonly known as the Dwarf Chain Loach, is a small, peaceful species native to Southeast Asia. Known for its intricate chain-like patterns, this loach is an active and social fish that thrives in groups of five or more. It prefers a planted aquarium with plenty of hiding spaces and soft substrates. An omnivorous diet, including algae wafers and protein-based foods, ensures its health. These loaches are excellent tankmates for peaceful community fish.

Additional information

Weight 1 lbs