Chemical Therapy of Aquatics
Topic of Information – Identify the use of, dosing, preparation of, and administration of drugs and chemicals in the treatment of ornamental fish.
Intention – To create a compilation of my experience and knowledge in a format that is easy to use and understand, that can be applied readily, to identify clear expectations with measurable results to help one understand what they are looking for during treatments.
Overview – Below are chemicals and drugs listed in the treatment of ornamental livestock.
The topics listed below will be discussed and described in detail as they apply to that specific chemical or drug and its use, preparation, and administration, along with personal notes of my observations and applied practices and results, along with advice.
Preparation Methods - A
Administration Methods –
1. Applied directly to
1. Dip
2. Short
3. Long
4. Constant Flow
1. Food Preparation
Parenteral -Injections
1. Intramuscular
2. Intravenous
3. Intraperitoneal
My Notes
will be building downloads of this information that can be purchased.
Additional Information
Acriflavine, neutral - This is a stock item that should be in every aquarist's medicine cabinet. Also is the yellow dye for tie-dye projects.
Composition – Mixture of 3,6-diamino-10-methylacridinum chloride and 3,6-diaminoacridine.
Uses or Treatment for – Dye; egg disinfection; antiseptic; infected wounds; ulcers, skin parasites (ectoparasites): bacteria(Columnaris); fungicide(Saprolegnia); external protozoacide (Ambiphyra, Chilodonella, Cryptocaryon irritans, Hexamita; Ichthyophthirius multifils (Ich), Oodinium ocellatum, O. pillularis, Scyphidia; Monogenea(Cleidodiscus).
Administration and Dosage -
1) 1gm/100 l of water
2) 2mg/gal of water
3) 1gm/100 l of water for 2 to 12 hours
4) 0.1% solution added to food
5) 3 to 10 ppm in water for a prolonged bath
7) 10 ppm for 10 hours
8) 0.2 to 0.6 ppm in two applications at 2-day intervals
9) 5 to 10 ppm added to water for several hours to several days
10) 500 ppm as a bath for 30 minutes
Observations, Notes, Remarks – Normally used as a long-duration bath; will kill live plants; may reduce fecundity in guppies; may damage slime coating of skin and create vulnerability to bacterial disease in marine fish; apply or soak foods for oral treatments, available as powder or solution. When I make my stock solution, I add 3.8gr Acriflavine and 1/4 cup of pickling salt per gallon for a kick.
Apply to freeze-dried foods, excellent for administering orally.
Seems to be more effective when dosed with Methyl Blue.

Additional Information
Malachite Green, zinc-free oxalate - This is a stock item that should be in every aquarist medicine cabinet. Also is the green dye for tie-dye projects.
Composition – p,p-benzylidenebis-N, N-dimethyl aniline
Synonyms – Aniline green, Bright Green, Evergreen B, Light green N, Malachite green sulfate, Malachite oxalate, Nox-Ich, Victoria green B or WB.
Uses or Treatments for – Ectoparasites; bacteria(Columnaris); fungicide(Achyla, Aphanomyces, Ichthyophonus hoferi, Saprolegnia); external protozoacide [Ambiphyra(Scyphidia), Chilodonella, Costia, Cryptocaryon irritans, Epistylis, Ichthyophthirius, Leptomitus, Oodinium ocellatum, O. pillularis, Pythium, Trichodina(Cyclochaeta), Trichophyra], monogenetic trematodes(Gyrodactylus).
Administration and Dosage -
Observations, Notes, Remarks – When I make my stock solution, I use 3.68gr per quart of water; when I make an antiparasitic ICK OFF solution, I use formalin 37%.

Additional Information
ICHKIL is Malachite Green, zinc-free oxalate dissolved in Formalin 37% - This is a stock item that should be in every aquarist's medicine cabinet.
Composition – A
Synonyms – A
Uses or Treatments for – external parasites
Administration and Dosage -
1) One drop per gallon
2) half dose may be necessary on sensitive and scale less fish.
Observations, Notes, Remarks – More is not better when it comes to treating, be patient.
My Notes
When I make my stock solution, I use 3.68gr per quart of Formalin 37%. More is not better with this stuff. One drop per gallon; sensitive fish use one drop per two gallons.
Additional Information
Methylene Blue - This is a stock item that should be in every aquarist medicine cabinet. Also is the blue dye for tie-dye projects.
Composition – 3,7-bis(dimethylamino)-phenazathionium chloride
Synonyms – Methylene blue-B; Methylthionine chloride; Urolene blue
Uses or Treatments for – Dye; antifungal agent on fish eggs; fungicide(Saprolegnia); external protozoacide [Ambiphyra(Scyphida), Chilodonella, Costia, Cryptocaryon irritans, Epistylis, Ichthyophthirius, Oodinium, Trichodina(Cyclochaeta), Trichophyra ]; Monogenetic trematodes(Cleidodiscus, Gyrodactylus).
Administration and Dosage -
1) 2 ppm daily
2) 3 cc of a 1% solution in 10l of water as long duration bath (3-5 days)
3) 10ppm not effective
4) 50ppm is inhibitory
5) 3ppm
6)0.15ppm CuSO4 - Citric Acid -0.2ppm Methylene Blue at 5-day intervals, 3 times, for marine
7) 5ppm
8) 1.0 tp 3.0ppm in water for 3 to 5 days
9) 0.2 to 0.4cc /l (of a stock solution of 1 gm to 100cc water)
Observations, Notes, Remarks – When I make my stock solution, I add 7.5gm(1Tblsp) to 1 gallon of water

Additional Information
Neomycin Sulfate - This is a stock item that should be in every aquarist's medicine cabinet. When in doubt, this one will take it out.
Composition – Neomycin Sulfate
Synonyms – Mycifradin sulfate, Neobiotic
Uses or Treatments for – Bacteria (gram-positive or gram-negative bacteria; Pseudomonas).
Administration and Dosage -
1) 250mg/gal in salt water
Observations, Notes, Remarks – Shelf live in solution is 2 years, very effective in salt water. Not pH sensitive, works well at high or low pH.
My Notes
One of the best as it treats both gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. An absolute essential for saltwater Aquarian.
Additional Information
Metronidazole - This is a stock item that should be in every aquarist's medicine cabinet. When in doubt, this one will take it out.
Composition – Metronidazole
Synonyms – Flagyl
Uses or Treatments for – Protozoacide, cryptocaryon irritans, hexamita, ichthyophthirius, trichomonas, ectoparasites.
Administration and Dosage -
1) 250mg/20gal in salt or freshwater
2) Oral prepare solution and allow foods to absorb complexly.
Observations, Notes, Remarks – Starts to breakdown in 10 hours after in solution, a very effective must for salt water. Not pH sensitive, works well at high or low pH.
My Notes
One of the best as it treats both gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. An absolute essential for saltwater Aquarian.
Additional Information
Sodium Chloride, NaCl - This is a stock item that should be in every aquarist's medicine cabinet. It can enhance the action of, help with the uptake of, and enhance results when used in conjunction with other chemicals.
Composition – NaCl
Synonyms – Rock Salt, Table Salt (non-iodized), Pickling Salt
Uses or Treatments for – A
Administration and Dosage -
Observations, Notes, Remarks – A
My Notes
Make sure to use non-iodized salt for additions to your aquarium or treatments. Pickling salt contains no iodine or flow agents.
Additional Information
Potassium Permanganate - This is a stock item that should be in every aquarium's medicine cabinet. For disinfecting equipment, nets dip new plants can run 3-5ppm in an aquarium, but better for your outdoor pond to keep large parasites in check. Also is the violet dye for tie-dye projects.
Composition – KMuO4
Uses or Treatments for – External parasites; external lesions; bacteria (bacteria on skin);
Fungi (Saprolegnia, achylasis); Protozoa (Costia, Chilodoneila, Cryptocaryon irritans, Epistylis, Ichthyophthirius, Ichthyobodo, Trichodina); Monogenea (Bededenia, Cleidodiscus, Dactylogyrus, Gyrodactylus); Hirudinea (leaches); Crustacea (Argulus, Lernaea).
Administration and Dosage -
1) 20ppm for one hour
2) 1gm/100l of water for a short bath of 90 minutes.
3) 1gm l of water immersion bath of 30–45 seconds
4) 1gm/10l of water, short bath of 5–10 seconds
5) 1gm /50l of water as a disinfectant
Observations, Notes, Remarks – Not for the novice; Dosing is critical, more is not better, treatments are short, dips or short baths, very effective when used correctly.
Awesome disinfectant for aquariums and equipment that you cannot boil (hoses, tubing, nets, PVC, thermometer, etc.) Fill the aquarium with water, put in all your stuff, add Potassium Permanganate until you can't see through it, let your filter run with no media so it gets all cleaned out, then let run for three days, then empty and rinse until no color left.
My Notes
Powerful disinfectant is quickly powerful against crustaceans and parasites.
Additional Information
Magnesium Sulfate - This is a stock item that should be in every aquarist medicine cabinet, also for making stock solutions for Reef Mag supplement.
Composition – A
Synonyms – A
Uses or Treatments for – A
Administration and Dosage -
Observations, Notes, Remarks – A
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Additional Information
Amoxixillin - This is a stock item that should be in every aquarist medicine cabinet, also for making stock solutions for Reef Mag supplement.
Composition – A
Synonyms – A
Uses or Treatments for – Broad spectrum Gram Positive and Gram Negative bacteria.
Administration and Dosage -
1) 250mg / 10gal
Observations, Notes, Remarks – A
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Tetracycline - This is a stock item that should be in every aquarist medicine cabinet, also for making stock solutions for Reef Mag supplement.
Composition – A
Synonyms – Oxytetracycline
Uses or Treatments for – Broad spectrum Gram Positive and Gram Negative bacteria.
Administration and Dosage -
1) 250mg / 10gal
Observations, Notes, Remarks – A
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