*WYSIWG- the actual tank specimens instock your purchasing*

*WYSIWG- the actual tank specimens instock your purchasing*

Green Terror

Arrival Date Tank # Size 8"



SIZE: 6″


The Green Terror Cichlid is an aggressive freshwater species with striking green and blue hues. Perfect for experienced aquarists with spacious tanks.

1 in stock

Care Level Advanced
Temperament Aggressive
Diet Carnivorous (flake, freeze dried, pellets, frozen, seafood, live foods)
Water Conditions Temperature: 72-78°F, pH: 7.8-8.6, Stable Parameters are key.
Max Size 12 inches
Scientific Name Andinoacara rivulatuse
Family Cichlidae
Minimum Tank Size 75 gallons
Compatibility Similar-sized aggressive cichlids
Avoid ASmall or peaceful species


Green Terror

The Green Terror Cichlid (Andinoacara rivulatus) is a stunning freshwater species native to South America. Known for its bold personality and vibrant green and blue hues, this cichlid requires spacious tanks and experienced care.

Provide a tank with rocky structures and sturdy plants to accommodate its territorial nature. Feed it a diet of high-quality cichlid pellets, live, and frozen food. The Green Terror is best kept as a single specimen or with carefully selected tank mates of similar size and temperament.

Additional information

Weight 8 lbs