FD Daphnia Daphnia pulicaria


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FD Daphnia Daphnia pulicaria

Particle size is 5-750micron

Feed directly or raw for the DIY food prep. Perfect live food replacement

Highly digestible, Good Protein, buoyant, Water stable

Product contains no binders or artificial ingredients.

Dried Product Analysis: Crude Protein, 50%; Fat, 2.4%; Fiber, 10%; Ash, 19%; Moisture, 9%; Phosphorous, 1.4%; Xanthophyll, 180 mg. per pound.

Make an appointment and participate in our BYOC (Bring Your Own Container) program for a discount. ONLY AVAILABLE IN STORE

Additional information

Weight N/A
Available in 10g or 28g zipper bag

10g, 28g


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