FD Krill Euphausia superba


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FD Krill Euphausia superba

Feed directly or raw for the DIY food prep. Perfect live food replacement

Koi, cichlids, piranha and other large predators

Great diet for freshwater and marine rich source of carotenoids, including astaxanthin.

High in protein, buoyant

Proximate analysis: Protein, 60%; Fat, 8%; Carbohydrates, 11%; Ash, 10%; Moisture, 5%; Astaxanthin (pigment), 150 – 200 ppm

Make an appointment to pick up in store for a discount, better yet participate in our BYOC (Bring Your Own Container) program for an even larger discount. ONLY AVAILABLE IN STORE.

Additional information

Weight N/A
Available in 10g or 28g zipper bag

10g, 28g


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