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Red Sun (Red Shoulder X Sunshine) Male Tank#76

Arrival Date Tank # 76 Size 6"


The Red Sun Male Cichlid combines the vivid hues of Red Shoulder and Sunshine species. This semi-aggressive hybrid adds vibrant color to any cichlid aquarium

1 in stock

Care Level Moderate
Temperament Semi-Aggressive
Diet Omnivorous (flake, freeze dried, pellets, frozen, vegetables, live foods)
Water Conditions Temperature: 72-78°F, pH: 7.8-8.6, Stable Parameters are key.
Max Size 6 Inches
Scientific Name Aulonocara sp
Family Cichlidae
Minimum Tank Size 55 gallons
Compatibility Other semi-aggressive cichlids
Avoid Other semi-aggressive cichlids


Red Sun (Red Shoulder X Sunshine) Male Tank#76

The Red Sun Male is a hybrid cichlid combining traits of the Red Shoulder and Sunshine species. This freshwater cichlid is prized for its vibrant red and yellow coloration, making it a centerpiece in any aquarium. Native to Lake Malawi’s hybrid breeding programs, it thrives in stable, well-maintained environments.

This cichlid requires a spacious tank with plenty of rocky hiding spaces. It thrives on a high-protein diet of cichlid pellets, live, and frozen foods. Its semi-aggressive temperament makes it suitable for cichlid community tanks with similar species.

Additional information

Weight 8 lbs


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