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*WYSIWG- the actual tank specimens instock your purchasing*

Tang Yellow Eye Kole Bristletooth

Arrival Date 12/17/2024 Tank # Size


 The Yellow Eye Kole Bristletooth Tang is a peaceful saltwater herbivore. With its vibrant yellow Eye coloration, it thrives in reef aquariums with stable water conditions.

2 in stock

Care Level Moderate
Temperament Peaceful
Diet Herbivorous (algae flake, green wafers, seaweed, spirulina, vegetables)
Water Conditions Temperature: 74-78°F, pH: 8.1-8.4, Stable Parameters are key.
Max Size 6 Inches
Scientific Name Ctenochaetus strigosus
Family Acanthurid
Minimum Tank Size 70 gallons
Compatibility Clownfish, gobies, chromis
Avoid Aggressive tangs


Tang Yellow Eye Kole Bristletooth

 The Yellow Eye Kole Bristletooth Tang (Ctenochaetus strigosus) is a striking saltwater fish native to the reefs of the Indo-Pacific region. Known for its bright yellow eye  coloration, this tang is a peaceful herbivore that helps control algae in aquariums. It prefers spacious reef setups with live rock for grazing. Its diet should include marine algae, spirulina, and seaweed. Proper water parameters and ample swimming space are essential for its well-being.


Additional information

Weight 4 lbs


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