*WYSIWG- the actual tank specimens instock your purchasing*

*WYSIWG- the actual tank specimens instock your purchasing*

Arrival Date Tank # Size 3"

Wrasse Tricolor Sailfin Fairy Supermale



SIZE: 3″

LOC: SWI2-7&8

The Fairy Wrasse is a vibrant saltwater species with stunning colors and active swimming behavior. Ideal for reef aquariums with plenty of live rock.

2 in stock

Care Level Moderate
Temperament Peaceful
Diet Carnivorous (flake, freeze dried, pellets, frozen, seafood, live foods)
Water Conditions Temperature: 72-78°F, pH: 7.8-8.6, Stable Parameters are key.
Max Size 5 inches
Scientific Name Cirrhilabrus sp.
Family Labridae
Minimum Tank Size 55 gallons with secure lids
Compatibility Reef-safe fish, invertebrates
Avoid Aggressive species


Wrasse Tricolor Sailfin Fairy Supermale

The Fairy Wrasse (Cirrhilabrus sp.) is a peaceful saltwater species native to coral reefs in the Indo-Pacific. Known for its dazzling colors and graceful movements, this wrasse adds activity and beauty to reef aquariums.

Provide a tank with ample swimming space, live rock, and stable water conditions. A diet of marine pellets, frozen food, and live treats ensures its health. The Fairy Wrasse is reef-safe and compatible with other peaceful species, making it a popular choice among aquarists.

Additional information

Weight 2 lbs